Ovega Vlieseline 1 meter
Ovega Vlieseline 1 meter
Vlieseline is a popular and versatile sewing accessory used to reinforce and stabilize fabrics. Our advice is therefore to also use vlieseline with velboa. It is ideal for reinforcing your velboa horses, ears and other parts of hobby horses where extra strength is desired. Thanks to its various possibilities, it is an indispensable tool for both hobbyists and professional seamstresses.
Our interfacing is the same thickness as we use for making our Ovega hobby horses.
Length: 1 mtr
09:45 Standhouders mogen binnen
10:00 Deelnemers mogen binnen
10:30 Ovega stand opening
11:00 20-40cm springen start
12:45 50-70cm springen start
14:00 80-100cm springen start
14:45 Prijsuitreiking springen
15:15 Dressuur
16:30 Prijsuitreiking dressuur
16:45 Prijsuitreiking loterij
17:00 Afronden